Friday, May 1, 2009

A Brand New 28 Days-DAY ONE

Hello blog family. It is such a good feeling to be blogging again. I have decided to start another 28 days. This time, I am going to assume that things will be a little different. I am going to be dealing with some of my deepest thoughts, regrets, mistakes.....trying to see if I've learned from them. The other day, I asked GOD to give me the ok, or the push to start blogging again. I believe he asked me, what will be different this time? Did you really CHANGE? My mind was blown away. I had to ask myself, did I really change? So then I started going down the list of things that I know I've done in the past that were wrong...and I weighed them against the things that I am still doing to this day that are wrong. WHOA! Talk about dealing with the truth! I have done everything wrong at least twice except kill someone! I am blogging for deliverance this time. I am blogging to get smarter. I am blogging to get healed.

I am blogging to share how GOD will show my how I continue to repeat old mistakes, how to STOP repeating them, and more importantly, how to forgive myself for making these mistakes.
I am writing from a place of regret, reflection and humbleness today. I am mad that I am HERE. I do know that all of my wrong decisions have been a direct result of selfishness. I have misused people and money in the past, and for that I am truly sorry.
If you have ever felt like I've mistreated you, I APOLOGIZE SINCERELY. GOD I apologize to you also for not always thinking of serving the kingdom with my money first. I alos apologize for mistreating your children. I promise to do better.

Please do not read this like I am feeling sorry for myself, and please don't feel sorry for me. I am purging and sharing with the hopes that someone may be in the same postion I am, and it might help someone. Just wanting to get it right.


  1. You remain in my prayers and thoughts.


  2. To God be the Glory. I will continue to pray for you and with you. Let God continue to purge you. I am so proud of you....

    Lady E
    I Love you

  3. I read this, and I thought to myself(in my head), Corey you got this! STAY FOCUSED! The devil(DISTRACTIONS) come ONLY to steal your Joy, kill your Confidence, and destroy your Purpose. The day you woke up and said thats enough, he and all his tactics had to submit to your authority.Pressure applied is a promotion privilege. The JOY of the Lord is your strength(take it literally, it works)You're gonna make it. YOU GOT TO MAKE IT!!That Dave Hollister, Just Worship, will bring you back everytime, when you dont have the words to say, just open your mouth and worship. Be encouraged! **** Robin

  4. wow! I will include you in my prayer items :D God bless you more!!! Matt.6:33

  5. Hi,

    Action is key and your writing is a action,I was taught when all else fails find another person to help. After all God is the one in control and to whom I serve, and when I am helping others I am doing God's will or or work if you like that word better. (( % of the time you know if you hurt someone,not all the details be we know-almost all ways when we are of coarse. I I am really glad you care and are working so hard, as am I. So here is another thing that has helped me I don't need self-confidence, I am confident in God.

    And another good thought is any negative thought or behavior can be replaced with gratefulness to God. when ever I am disrupted, I can try to change that to grateful. replace fear and anger and all those repeating message to thanks to God and get out and find someone who could use my help even if I can only bring a smile to strangers faces. Or to send love to another in prayer for example.

    peace and love Paul
