Friday, April 24, 2009

A Family Affair

I ask that you guys join me in uplifting my sister Patricia in prayer this week. Her father passed away on Wednesday. She is a follower of the blog, and as far as I'm concerned, she is part of the blog family, she is also a really good friend of mine and my family. Her dad was only 58 and died of a heart attack. Yesterday, Patrica had to break the news to her grandmother. It was the most difficult thing she has ever had to do. I prayed with her and for her, and I ask that you join me in keeping her uplifted and strengthened through this most difficult time.
This has touched me because my moms and I had a falling out a couple of weeks ago, and hadn't made up yet. I have tried to contact her, but I know I could do better and try harder. Today, I will peace it up with my mother and let her know I love her. Today might be a good day to tell your parents you love them too......just a thought.


  1. I have learned the past two week with a cousin of mine passing so suddenly that we can't hold on to bitterness or unforgiveness because we don't know the day or the hour our Lord Jesus Christ will call us home. So we have to be ready with a clean heart, a heart of uncondional love for all so cherish every moment. Live life the to the fullest and tell everyone you love them. Don't put off tomorrow what you can do today.

    Patricia, you and your family are in my prayer.

    Love you

  2. I will lift you and Patricia up in prayer. Yes, family is important. Holding on to unforgiveness in our hearts it's not worth it. Whenever I am holding any unforgiveness in my heart, I always say Jesus forgave me. Let it go.. Last August I almost lost my mother to a massive stroke.... This totally changed my life... I had to put my life on hold to nurse my mother back to health.... It has not been easy but God is faithful and that is my mommy.. He promised me that he would redeem the time that I have missed... Then I realized that you only get one mother.... Life is not promised take nothing or anyone for granted... Love your parents regardless.....

    Love ya,
    Lady E

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