Friday, April 24, 2009

A Family Affair

I ask that you guys join me in uplifting my sister Patricia in prayer this week. Her father passed away on Wednesday. She is a follower of the blog, and as far as I'm concerned, she is part of the blog family, she is also a really good friend of mine and my family. Her dad was only 58 and died of a heart attack. Yesterday, Patrica had to break the news to her grandmother. It was the most difficult thing she has ever had to do. I prayed with her and for her, and I ask that you join me in keeping her uplifted and strengthened through this most difficult time.
This has touched me because my moms and I had a falling out a couple of weeks ago, and hadn't made up yet. I have tried to contact her, but I know I could do better and try harder. Today, I will peace it up with my mother and let her know I love her. Today might be a good day to tell your parents you love them too......just a thought.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Answered prayer

Hello peoples! I just wanted to quickly update you on my goings on. Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 22, 2009- I will be going on a job interview for a job in my field. I already have claimed the position, so basically, this is just a meeting of my new work family! I ask that you agree with me in prayer, and confess with me OUT LOUD that I already have this job. I am thanking God right now! Most of you know, I've been praying for this to happen, and its always perfect timing. There is ALOT going on.
I love you guys.

Monday, April 20, 2009

All I know to do....

As I sat here feeling sorry for myself, I kept getting reminded to come to the blog. I spent a bunch of money-that I didn't have-today on getting my car fixed. That put a huge damper on my day. Then I started to meditate on all of the things that's wrong with me, or all of the things that I want to change...need to change. Next thing I know, I am depressed. Hahahahahaha. ME! Depressed. Throughout the day, I've been getting communications like: Did you blog today? did you get my email I left for the blog? Thank you Pastor/Minister?elder Washington for your wonderful advice, etc, etc, etc...LOL But I felt like I had a cloud over my head. When I get here, I get quiet, reserved, don't want to be bothered, and I don't want to be a bother to anyone else. But something made me come to this blog. I shouldn't say SOMETHING, because it takes away from the importance and validity of the Holy Spirit. I was lead here...cause I know, honestly, I didn't want to come to the blog today. I wanted to separate myself from the one place where I know I could get uplifted. THAT SOUNDS CRAZY TO ME. I get a message today that said,: "Someone needs to hear your inspirational words today!"
That kinda kicked me in the butt. I responded, "I don't want the pressure..I wanna just let it flow."
Was that an excuse? I am rambling, I know...but this is the only therapy I have right now. It used to be basketball, but age, weight, and injuries have kinda slowed that down. Hahahahaha.
To make a long story short, I was BLESSED once again by Terry aka T-Hizzle's comment from the last posting (you know how to find it).
I feel like I am at a crossroads in my life...and when times get hard, I (used to) resort to my OLD WAY of doing things, meaning, I try to take control of the entire situation and manipulate it myself. But there are something that I have no control over.
But my thing is, I know that I am going to have to let go and let GOD....HOLD UP. I was just about to write: I know I am supposed to let go and let GOD, but I am afraid. But this is all to familiar to me right now. I have been here before.
Dear God, I pray that you take away the spirit of fear from within me. I pray that you bring to my remembrance - all that you've imparted into me about your word and having confidence in your word. Lord, I pray that I am able to focus, and say a heartfelt prayer for everything that needs correcting in my life. I pray that I call each and everyone of those things out by name, so I can purge myself of distractions. I pray that I am a living testimony of your Word and your promises. I pray that I may be a blessing to others as you have blessed me. I pray that there is NO LACK in my finances, and NO LACK in our relationship. I thank you that I have the wisdom of GOD, and I make sound decisions in every area of my life. I thank you that I am tuned into your voice, and that you will direct my paths. I thank you that I am no longer the same Corey I used to be. I thank you that I am getting stronger, and wiser day by day, minute by minute. I thank you for restoring my joy. HALLELULIEAH!!!!! THANK YOU FOR RESTORING MY JOY FATHER! I can feel the depression slipping away from my body right now ya'll...Wooooo!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! I am smiling as I sit here typing right now. I love you Lord.......I thank you for all of my blessings, all of the people who read this blog. Thank you that they keep coming, sharing, and imparting into me Father. Thank you for saving my life. Thank you for my job. Thank you that, once I get the job, they will offer me more than what they originally offer me. Thank you that every desire of my heart will be manifested. I also want to pray for my friends and family who are going through unemployment and downsizing right now. I pray that they all recognize that the recession is optional! they do not have to participate! Praise you for the way out Father! I thank you for their quick employment right now...that their needs are met, and they have no lack in their lives. I pray that we all sek your face, and focus on your will and your business, for it says in your word:
Matthew 6:33
33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well

I pray that these THINGS include, jobs, houses, transportation, food, happiness, joy , and peace! I pray in your Son Jesus' Holy name.....AMEN!

***this was not premeditate. This was real time, with typo's and all. I added the title after I finished my post. Thank You Lord for your insight. ***

Friday, April 17, 2009

Pass The Test

I was inspired by Terry's comment in the last blog posting where he paraphrased Dr. D0llar:

"We are held back from our own promotion when we don't pass the test...[Terry Lavonne Hill] you've been at that same place because you won't pass the little test. [Terry,] you been at the same level for fifteen years, because you keep failing same the test." -Pastor Dollar, Easter Sunday.

It's been resonating in my head ever since he posted it. There have been other reminders and things that kinda ate at me this week.......not in a negative sense, but there were things that were said to me or brought out of me, to let me know that I have come too far to turn around. I gotta finish this thing. I cannot serve two master! I've heard it before, but now it is staring me directly in my face.
I called a friend to see how they were doing out of the blue, and they were right in the middle of a storm. Somehow, some way, I was able to minister to them and pray with them. it wasn't was all GOD. I remember that the one thing that I said that kind of grounded them in the middle of their storm was, "IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU!" That statement made me think about the blog.
I realized that the reason I cannot stop blogging is because its not about me....even when I want it to be. It's about YOU!
God has still been putting people in my path that are reminding me of what I'm supposed to be doing....Blogging here, sharing what HE is doing in my life, and hopefully helping others.
Recently, I've been bombarded with distractions away from the blog, and also from my christian walk. I hadn't been going to church because I've been chasing the dollar. I've been focusing on leisure time activities as apposed to doing Kingdom Business and preparing myself to hear from HIM. These are all small, minuscule, tiny, easy test! But these are the test that I keep failing to pass. HA! but not anymore! I see them coming...I CAN PASS THEM. WE CAN PASS THEM. No matter what our obstacle or test is, the scripture says that GOD will not give us anything that we cannot bear. The bottom line is WE WIN! We just have to CHOOSE to win. WOW...I think I'll say that again. WE HAVE TO CHOOSE TO WIN!!!!

Duet 30:19
This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live 20 and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Its time to graduate to the next level!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Random Thoughts

Why do I do it to myself!?!?! Why do I watch Extreme Home Makeover? Every time I watch it, I get tears in my eyes. Tears of sadness for the family. Tears of reflection in my own life. Tears of joy at the end. Why the heck am I so emotional? How the heck did I get so emotional???? UGH!!!!
It's Easter Sunday! I didn't make church because I was chasing a dollar. I have learned this lesson before, but I figured since I am not doing the 28 days like I was before, it wouldn't make too much of a difference....well, it did. My insides made me vow to never take another video assignment at another church on a Sunday. I realized that I am extremely happy at my church and I miss it when I am not there. Not to mention. my friends call or text me when they don't see me to see if I made it!
My heart keeps telling me that I need to start over with he 28 days. My heart knows that I could have done better. My heart knows when I got distracted. When am I going to pass that ONE test? I feel like there is soooo much in front of me that I want to overcome, but its overwhelming. My career, m,y physical body, my home life, college for Azia, my dad's health, my moms attitude, my Christian walk......
I am not at rock bottom, but I tell you one thing, I am not going to wait until I get to rock bottom before I start screaming for help. I gotta start now! Even though I don't fee like it. I gotta start now.
My cousin hit me up the other day with an email. She stated in the email that she was starting her own blog. she had recently been laid off and she was writing about how she is dealing with it. She has added helpful hints and things. Very similar to what I am doing over here. It kinda kicked me in the butt because its not about me. Its not about if I feel like typing or not. Its not about if I feel like letting people see this side or that side of me. I gotta finish what I started. I miss you guys. I miss conversing, and sharing, and experiencing break thru with you guys...getting revelation, answered prayer. I can be so selfish. MY BAD. Time to rev this thing back up. Let go of this empty feeling, and get happy again. I was at my happiest when sharing with you guys.
speak with you shortly........