Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Answered prayer

Hello peoples! I just wanted to quickly update you on my goings on. Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 22, 2009- I will be going on a job interview for a job in my field. I already have claimed the position, so basically, this is just a meeting of my new work family! I ask that you agree with me in prayer, and confess with me OUT LOUD that I already have this job. I am thanking God right now! Most of you know, I've been praying for this to happen, and its always perfect timing. There is ALOT going on.
I love you guys.


  1. It's already a done deal.. I decree and declare that you shall have whatsoever you say right now !!!! I pray that when you open up your mouth God will fill it with the right words to say during this interview. Also, continue to bless the work of your hands... Here is to New beginnings Corey... Isaiah 43:18-19 says. Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up;do you not perceive it? I will continue to lift you up in prayer..

    God Bless U
    Lady E

  2. I agree, It's already done. It's yours in the name of Jesus, Amen.

    love ya

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