Friday, April 17, 2009

Pass The Test

I was inspired by Terry's comment in the last blog posting where he paraphrased Dr. D0llar:

"We are held back from our own promotion when we don't pass the test...[Terry Lavonne Hill] you've been at that same place because you won't pass the little test. [Terry,] you been at the same level for fifteen years, because you keep failing same the test." -Pastor Dollar, Easter Sunday.

It's been resonating in my head ever since he posted it. There have been other reminders and things that kinda ate at me this week.......not in a negative sense, but there were things that were said to me or brought out of me, to let me know that I have come too far to turn around. I gotta finish this thing. I cannot serve two master! I've heard it before, but now it is staring me directly in my face.
I called a friend to see how they were doing out of the blue, and they were right in the middle of a storm. Somehow, some way, I was able to minister to them and pray with them. it wasn't was all GOD. I remember that the one thing that I said that kind of grounded them in the middle of their storm was, "IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU!" That statement made me think about the blog.
I realized that the reason I cannot stop blogging is because its not about me....even when I want it to be. It's about YOU!
God has still been putting people in my path that are reminding me of what I'm supposed to be doing....Blogging here, sharing what HE is doing in my life, and hopefully helping others.
Recently, I've been bombarded with distractions away from the blog, and also from my christian walk. I hadn't been going to church because I've been chasing the dollar. I've been focusing on leisure time activities as apposed to doing Kingdom Business and preparing myself to hear from HIM. These are all small, minuscule, tiny, easy test! But these are the test that I keep failing to pass. HA! but not anymore! I see them coming...I CAN PASS THEM. WE CAN PASS THEM. No matter what our obstacle or test is, the scripture says that GOD will not give us anything that we cannot bear. The bottom line is WE WIN! We just have to CHOOSE to win. WOW...I think I'll say that again. WE HAVE TO CHOOSE TO WIN!!!!

Duet 30:19
This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live 20 and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Its time to graduate to the next level!


  1. Good for you. I am proud of you, you took the time to realize we have a job to do. I was watching Joyce Meyers this morning, she said something so profound. Keep God first, take your mind off yourself and help others. That is where your joy will come from. I was like WOW!!! I got it.That is what I decided to do earlier this year.I joyful everday... Everday,one of my prayers is what is your assignment for me today? What do you want me to do, I am here to receive. Everytime someone is put in my path....

    One of the things that Pastor Winston taught us that we are so focused on the Provision instead of our Assignment.We are on assignment.It's not about if you like it or not... That distraction will keep us from hearing the voice of God. It's Time to Possess the land. We are going over to the other side.

    God Bless U

  2. Thank you Corey... I needed this. I have been trying to pass the same test for a while and this week and last night, I just felt like giving up as I have done so many times before, but I am tired of starting all over again...
    God give me the strength I need to continue the journey and the test that you have set forth in front of me.


    Subject: Daily Affirmation for April 17, 2009

    We live in a time where everything is technology driven. Most technology requires recharging the battery after a certain amount of time. We have to recharge our cell phones, cameras, MP3 players, laptops, etc. But what do we do when our spirit needs recharging? “How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word. I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Praise be to you, O LORD; teach me your decrees. With my lips I recount all the laws that come from your mouth. I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches. I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways”. Therefore, we can keep our spirits refreshed as we continue to meditate on God’s word! Be Blessed!!!

  3. Kings & Queens,
    Last Wednesday I straggled in church late. Guilt ridden about previous choices I made that were not in line. The sermon was about sowing seeds, but in my mind my seed would have did what it needed to do in the natural but I was convinced my harvest had been disqualified in the spiritual. So from no where Pastor breaks down what the blood has done and how it has cleansed me from every past mess and bondage i allowed myself to fall into. Naturally I have to set up borders and of course stay on top of applicable scriptures. In addition, I had to recognize if God wanted me to get to heaven on my own Jesus could have just chilled, got married, started a stamp collection etc. The faith in His blood's ability to restore us is what motivates us to change and to not to quit when we fall.

    Graduation Date: Unknown

  4. very god site ,great reading and very true.

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